Another youngster settled down, but still hangs out with friends during the nights..

Swik38 is a male bird, born in 2015 that seemed to have settled a territory rather far from his natal home range, about 50 kilometers North East. 

Today I went to look him up. I arrived around 15pm and immediately heard two birds calling, the tagged bird and another adult, both were sitting in a treetop. So it looks like Swik38 formed a pair already. 

Swik38 on the right and its pressumed female on the left, both calling in each others intervals. The bird on the left still had a very dark, contrasting bill which probably makes it a younger bird, Swik38 already got a bit a greyish, less contrasting bill. digiscoped with the phone, 30-10-2017.

Swik38 showing some curiosity towards this guy with the camera, standing in the meadow..

The upper parts of the third calendar year bird, S1,2 and 3 on the left look old as well as S2 on the right wing. 30-10-2017.

I observed the situating for about 2  hours, both birds flew around a bit and a third kite shortly joined. For most of the time, Swik38 was sitting in his favorite treetop (Highest density GPS points on the map) and called very frequently. Around five, the bird suddenly flew up and disappeared behind a hill, in the direction of its roosting site. This bird spends the nights about five kilometers away from its territory at a communal roosting site. I immediately drove to this place, which took me nine minutes. And there he was again, flying with minimal 45 other kites, gathering for the night. Several first calendar year birds joined and I expect that these roosts mainly exists of younger birds, 2CY, 3CY and maybe even some 4CY. 

 Red kites gathering at the roosting site. 30-10-2017.

These kites preparing for the night really looks like a social thing. Buzzards are not that social, one decided to kick the kite in the middle so hard from its post that they both fell in the grass, several meters further. 30-10-2017.

One of the juveniles; brighter belly, white edge on underwing coverts, dark eye and slightly less deep forked tail. This bird is less bright than usual, making it harder to be picked up as a juv. on a larger distance.

It looked a bit like the birds were also enjoying the nice evening atmosphere. 30-10-2017.

One last time the whole group flies up. 30-10-2017.


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